The Best Ways to Customize your Photo Booth Los Angeles for your Event
Did you know that photo booths could be the only reason why some people attend your event? Photo booths have been and continue to be a must-have event prop. A nice photo booth should be uniquely set out to provide a truly memorable experience.
Fortunately, our Los Angeles photo booth rentals give you the flexibility of customizing your booth whichever way you like it. Besides, you can customize it to suit a specific theme or purpose of the event.
Find out some of the ways you can customize your photo booth to spice up your event.
Customize the photo booth Los Angeles backdrop
Photo booth backdrops are going to appear in all your photos. For this reason, you need to make sure that the backdrop is both truly captivating but also doesn’t remove the spark from photos. Backdrops can be made of virtually anything. Some exciting ways to customize your photo booth background include:
- Placing a poster of a favorite Avengers character
- Getting those in attendance to write up words on the wall
- Putting up 3D tiles of a fountain on the wall
- A wedding event can have a big white floral wall
- For a nostalgic feel, you can go for a polaroid-filled wall.
Custom props
Any event has its typical props, but a unique one will have them cut out to amplify the event’s theme. When setting out your photo booth, you can go further than just customizing the backdrop and give the props a personal touch.
You could ask the guests to order specific props online for a session inside the photo booth. You could also simply hand-make them for a more original feel.
Customize Photo booth rental Los Angeles Scrapbooks
With Selfie Booth Co., every rental photo booth comes with a scrapbook. You should go further and customize the scrapbooks by changing the front picture as well as the material, depending on the event. Wood-styled scrapbooks with floral designs are perfect for weddings. On the other hand, you can give your birthday party a unique appeal using a toy graphic white scrapbook with the baby’s name written in cute fonts at the front.
Personal touch picture frames
Why hand out generic photo print outs when you could make them more memorable with personalized picture frames. A custom made picture frame will ensure that your event is vividly remembered as no other event will have issued the exact same frames.
Pets are part of the family
We all love pets, don’t we? That being said, don’t leave them behind when setting out a photo booth for your event. Have picture cut-outs of your cat’s face or dog’s ears or tail hung on the wall. Prop up your caged bird to infuse a feel of nature. You can include all your pets in your booth customization.
In reality, photo booth Los Angeles gives you uncountable ways to set out for a unique event. Try them today for a truly memorable event.